
Results = Time + Action

I just read this line, which according to this tweet below, is from Chris Do: I think this formula is an elegant summary of an

My Values

On my journey to discover who I am, I have been thinking about my values. By codifying my values, I hope to have a list of

Focussing In

Some say that you should make your goals public, others say you shouldn’t. I probably sit on the keep-it-to-yourself end of the spectrum. But one goal

Where to Begin (again)

So, after pretty much 5 years of not writing on this blog (actually, I deleted it), I have painstakingly resurrected it and am now ready

Keeping a Good To-do List

I used to think that keeping a to-do list was a common thing but actually it is very uncommon. What’s even less common is to

The Last Great Human Freedom

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances,